Peaceful Easy Feeling


Did you ever feel like you were having “one of those days”?  You wake up late…spill coffee on your white blouse…get stuck in traffic after leaving the house late…

It’s tempting to think that these things are happening TO you.  That you are powerless and destined for more of the same.

This couldn’t be further from the truth.  You are incredibly powerful.  Just look at your life.  You created it all.

Your energy at any given time determines the way you see the world and the way the world sees you.  And, if you are looking at the world from a place of victim-hood, you will see and experience more victim-hood.

Try this trio next time you begin to notice these dis-empowering TO me thoughts.

  1. Pause – this will give you a chance to respond instead of react.

  2. Breathe – find some stillness; take 3 breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth; let the exhale be longer than the inhale

  3. Mantra – choose a mantra that expresses how you would like to BE in the situation. Repeat the mantra to yourself.  Ex. Inhale ~ I AM calm, Exhale ~ I AM peaceful

I have found that changing my energy before I transition into any situation really helps.

In the morning before greeting my family

In the car before picking up my kids from school

On my doorstep before walking in my front door


Discover. Empower. Balance.

Shine Brightly,


*Do you need help changing your energy?  Let’s talk.  I reserve a handful of complimentary 45 minute Fun Flow & Freedom Clarity Calls each month.  Reserve yours today.


The Color of Your Heart

© Mamz heart depicted in sand Dreamstime

I had the good fortune of witnessing a thought provoking conversation between my children this morning.  They were having a civil conversation about the color of each other’s hearts.  My daughter told my son that his heart was red and had some black spots on it because, she said, he could be mean.  My son, the oldest of the two, told my daughter the same.  That her heart had black spots on it too but it was because she was annoying.

I asked each of them what color they thought their own hearts were and they both said red and blue, like the images they had seen of the heart.  Then, I asked them what color my heart was.  My son replied that mine was pink and yellow.  He said that pink means happiness and yellow means kindness.

This melted my pink and yellow heart.

Years ago, he wouldn’t have chosen pink and yellow, because I was anything but happy.  I could ponder that…what color would my heart have been?  Instead I choose to relish in the fact that my son.  The old soul.  The one who reads me like a book.  Sees me, his mother, as happy and kind.

So grateful to the woman I was 6 years ago!  All of this work that I have done.  All of the tearing down what wasn’t working and building up what does.  The dismantling of my old life to create something new and beautiful.  It was all worth it!

What about you?  What color is your heart?

Discover. Empower. Balance.

Shine Brightly,


Do you need help creating a pink and yellow heart?  Let’s talk.  I reserve a handful of complimentary 45 minute Fun Flow & Freedom Clarity Calls each month.  Reserve yours today.

Three Little Words

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A few years ago I began choosing a new Word of the Year every January.  Last year was my year of YES!  I took it to heart.  I said Yes! to my health, Yes! to my family, Yes! to my dreams, Yes! to abundance, and Yes! to No!  It was an amazing year of YES! indeed.

This year I have chosen three little words.  They go together like peanut butter and jelly.  Like three peas in a pod.  They felt expansive and right and perfect for 2017.




As I revisit my vision and goals halfway through the year and glance up at my 2017 Vision Board, I see Fun, Flow and Freedom throughout the entire board.  I’ve begun placing red heart stickers on the images that have come to be or that are in process like trips that are planned or purchases that are being made.

I see images of FUN with family ~ jumping on our trampoline, camping and riding bikes.  I see FUN with friends ~ dancing, floating and connecting.  I see FUN with clients ~  teaching, speaking and sharing.

I see images of FLOW and FREEDOM my health and well-being, in my relationships, in my time, in my money and in my work.

What is your word of the year?  Are you living it?  Without judgement, assess the first 6 months of 2017.  What could you do more of?  What could you do less of?

We’re halfway through the year and the possibilities are endless.  What could you do to take the first step in really living your word of the year?

Discover. Empower. Balance.

Shine Brightly,


Do you need help living your word of the year?  Let’s talk.  I reserve a handful of complimentary 45 minute Fun Flow & Freedom Clarity Calls each month.  Reserve yours today.


Do you listen to your longings and discontent?  Or do you push them down, putting on a positive face?
In this day of positive thinking we are told to only think positive thoughts, not to dwell on what is wrong in life.  And, this is true.  We do want to come from a higher level of thinking, on what is right with the world but we also need to pay attention to what is coming up for us.  If we keep pushing it down, it will always push back up.  Kind of like whack a mole.
In actuality, our longings and discontent are information.  They are messages from the deepest part of us telling us that there is much more for us in this life.
We can start with our desire and then a willingness to do things differently.
Successful people often face a turning point that comes through some crisis or difficulty.  They begin to realize that there is a part of them that is greater than what they are facing, a higher version of themselves that is seeking to emerge.
The circumstances in our lives are simply that, circumstances.  The facts are the circumstances but the Truth is that we are greater than our circumstances.
There is a part of you that has all of the answers you seek.  There is a part of you that knows exactly what to do.
Einstein says that the quality of the answer depends on the quality of the question.  You have to know where you are going to know the right questions to ask to get there.
What do you long for?  Where is your discontent?    Which one speaks the loudest?
Unleash your desire.  Make a decision from your heart.  What would you love to be or do or have?
What would it feel like to have what you desire?  Create a crystal clear picture of what you want and take the steps to get there.
The possibilities are endless…
Discover. Empower. Balance.
Be Well,
Need help unleashing your desire?  Schedule a Fun Flow & Freedom Clarity Call today!.


A Magic Wand


What kind of life would YOU love living?  YOU!  Not your family.  Not your friends.  Not society.


If you had a magic wand.  What would you create for yourself?  What would your life look like?

What would YOU love?

What brings YOU life?

What do YOU want to do or be or have in this life?

Think about it…really…let your imagination run wild…

Most of us, when we think about what we really want, start with what we think would fit into our lives based on:

our credentials

family expectations

societal expectations

our present circumstances

the economy

our bank account…

It’s time to start asking different questions, bigger questions.

Howard Thurman advised “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

Your desires are as unique as your thumbprint.

What do YOU desire?

What would fill YOU to the brim?

What would your life look like?

your health and well-being

your relationships

your vocation and/or creative expression in the world

your time/money freedom

What would you love to be or do or have or create or experience?

And what else and what else and what else…

Discover. Empower. Balance.

Shine Brightly,


Need help getting clear?  Schedule a Fun Flow & Freedom Clarity Call today!