

It is so easy to fall into the appearance of lack.  When we focus on lack, that is exactly what we will see.  We will find every example of what is lacking in our lives and the world.

Lack of money.

Lack of time.

Lack of freedom to do what we truly desire.

It is just as easy to focus on abundance.  In fact, it may be even easier to focus on abundance than on lack.  All we need to do is step out into nature.  There is abundance all around us.

Just the other day my daughter and I were driving through the city and saw literally hundreds of birds sitting on rows of wires above the street.  Each in its own spot.  Chirping to its own tune.  Waiting for some unheard cue to move on to the next set of wires or fortunate tree.

What a blessing.  This thing called life.  It continues regardless of our circumstances.  Grass continues to grow, bunnies continue to multiply, hundreds of birds continue to migrate in unison from north to south each fall and spring.

Try this when you start going down the rabbit hole of lack


Take a breath of life.

Be grateful.

Get outside.  Look for the abundance that surrounds you.  Take note of all that you have and you will begin to see more examples of the abundance in your life.


Discover. Empower. Balance.

Be Well,


*Need help seeing abundance in your life?  Schedule a Fun Flow & Freedom Clarity Call today!





Just as a pilot makes small shifts throughout a flight to adjust for wind, weather and obstacles, you too can shift your thinking throughout the day to adjust for circumstances that arise.  All it takes is a slight shift.  Even a one degree shift has the potential to completely change the trajectory of your life.

When you choose to shift your thinking you set the tone for what you will experience and attract.

If you start your day thinking “this is one of those days”, you will find examples of “one of those days”. Your hair dryer goes on the fritz.  You spill coffee on your white blouse.  You get stuck in traffic.

When you start the day thinking “This is the day of my amazing good fortune” Florence Scovel Shinn, you will find examples of the abundance that is all around you.  You become aware of opportunities that you may not have noticed before.  It really is that simple.  You attract what you think.

Try these slight shifts when your mind starts going down the dark road of circumstance:

What if this is what it looks like when it’s all working out?

I AM shifting into joy.

I AM shifting into health.

I AM shifting into knowing.

Every day and in every way I AM getting better and better.


Discover. Empower. Balance.

Be Well,


Need help shifting?  Schedule a Fun Flow & Freedom Clarity Call today!

Are You Ready?


What if you had a magic wand and all of your dreams came true…today?  Would you be ready?

The dream partner

The dream business

The dream home

What if they were already here?  Would you be ready to open the door and let them in?

Many of us, when we even dare to dream, forget this very important piece.  In order to get what we want in life, we have to make the space for it.  Make it welcome in our lives.

There are 3 keys to creating the life of your dreams:

Decide – become crystal clear on what you desire in order to make it happen.

Believe – have undying faith that what you desire is already yours.

Act – take a step, every day, in the direction of your dream.

Ask this question.  What can I do today with what I have?

If you desire a dream home, for example, you might:

Find a real estate agent

Get pre-approved for a mortgage

Put your present home on the market

Dreaming your dream home doesn’t get you the keys.

Take a step.  Get ready.  Make it welcome.


Discover. Empower. Balance.

Be well,


*Need help getting ready? In between my coaching and speaking schedule, I carve out a few Mini Clarity Sessions each month.  Click Here for instant access to my calendar.

Photo Credit:  © Suwatchai Pluemruetai  Dreamstime



Many of us spend a lifetime in search of our passion.  Looking outside of ourselves for the answers.

I met a man once who was in his seventies.  He confided that he had spent the past 40 years in search of “it”, his passion, his purpose in this life.  He was tired and he was depressed.  I could completely relate.  I had spent most of my own life doing the same thing.

In truth, we have everything we need inside of us.  It’s all here, just waiting for acknowledgement, acceptance.

So, start with why.  Learning your why can be as simple as listening to your longings and discontent.  They are a gift, a message, a sign from your deepest Self.  From that part of you that is connected to all that is.

There is a purpose for your life.  You were chosen to be here, on this Earth, at this time.  You are here for a reason.  That reason lies deep within your heart.

What are your longings and discontent?

What do you desire?

What is your why?

You have all that is needed to bring it to life.  Opportunity will present itself as you live into your why.  Make space for it now so that you are ready when it comes knocking.

Discover. Empower. Balance.

Wishing you well,


*Need help finding your why? In between my coaching and speaking schedule, I carve out a few Mini Clarity Sessions each month.  Click Here for instant access to my calendar.

Photo Credit:  © Vladimirnikulin Dreamstime Hands Holding The Sun